
Employee Profile: Aurora Fernández

RENEW’s blog Employee Profile series highlights our employees who make us great. This month we interviewed our compassionate and analytical business development associate, Aurora Fernández.

Q: How long have you worked for RENEW Energy Partners?

A: I have been with the company since February 2023, so just over six months now.

Q: What sort of work do you do for the company?

A: I am a Business Development Associate; part of my work is to develop and execute strategic marketing programs to generate leads and reach our target audiences. On the other hand, I also work directly with client support, both leading and supporting business development efforts on active projects, as well as engaging in relationship management with our channel partners.

Q: Where are you from? What is one aspect that you enjoyed about the place that you grew up?

A: I am originally from Venezuela but have now lived in the US for many years. One of the main aspects I enjoyed from where I grew up was the sense of family and community. Even outside of my own family, I would always feel like family at my friends’ homes, or with work colleagues, or even sometimes with complete strangers on the street. People in Venezuela may not know you, but will usually treat you as a lifelong buddy; so that is something that I grew up with and I see it as a great quality for handling relationships in my current life.

Q: What activities/hobbies do you enjoy in your daily life? How do you relax?

A: I have multiple hobbies I like. I really enjoy working out as much as I can during the week. In the winter I love to go skiing, it’s a hobby I’ve picked up in the last few years and I truly enjoy how free I feel coming down a steep mountain. I also really enjoy photography; I will sometimes go out on long walks while taking snaps of people on the street. I like to read, and watch shows to relax. I love going to concerts, shows, festivals and dancing my legs off!

Q: Why is sustainability/decarbonization important to you? How did you get started in this career/field?

A: I got started in this field in Venezuela, right out of college. I worked for an LED lighting and solar energy company that was doing great work, very similar to Renew, but at a much smaller scale and without the financing portion. I learned a lot about the meaning of sustainability during that experience and fell in love with the definition of it; “the ability to be maintained over a long-term period of time”. I see sustainability as finding solutions to sustain life and community, and to avoid depletion or otherwise unnatural endings. So, to me, sustainability is sort of a foundation for all beings that just want to live and thrive alongside each other. In today’s world, we’re bringing this concept into business, where people and nature are the main resources in any sort of industry. We can choose to continue viewing and doing things as we always have; consuming and utilizing until complete exhaustion or take a turn towards sustainability and change processes that will guarantee the ability to sustain over time.

Q: Have you ever worked in another field? What was it and why?

A: I have. I worked for about five years in the legal industry doing marketing and business development. I became a part of the industry while getting on my two feet in New York City after migrating from my country. I especially enjoyed the last year of my time working at law firms since I was able to pivot back into sustainability while working directly in a social impact and pro bono position. It was a great opportunity to learn from incredibly talented people and view business and relationship management from a very different lens than I was used to while on the marketing side.

Q: What sustainability practices have you seen that have surprised and/or excited you?

A: I think the practice of waste-to-energy is something that I have always found incredibly fascinating. I had the opportunity to visit Stockholm in 2022 and found out about how the city’s complete heating system is powered by waste incinerators. They send only 1% of all the city’s trash to landfills, and the rest goes to a central plant for incineration and power generation. Nordic countries need a lot of heat, especially since their winters are so long, so it’s understandable that they would come up with these systems. However, I always scratch my head about why we are not there yet over here on the Western side where we generate SO much waste. The US generates 270 million tons of waste every year and about half of it goes to landfills! What would happen if we burnt it all into energy instead?

Q: Why do you choose to work with RENEW?

A: I choose to work with RENEW because of its people. Absolutely and no doubt that is the reason I choose to be part of the team, and of course because of all the incredible work we do to help clients decarbonize their systems.

Q: What are you most excited about for the future of the energy industry?

A: I’m excited to see how technology develops to make energy more affordable and accessible for people. Energy is the base for everything that we do, we can’t really survive without energy in today’s world, and when you really think about it, energy is the one resource that doesn’t deplete – it just transforms. It’s not like land, minerals, or water, that do end -giving us a completely other set of issues to deal with in the sustainability world- energy is transformed from one source to another. As I mentioned with waste incineration, that is just heat-energy stored and transformed into electricity. It equally happens with solar, hydro, nuclear, and other energy sources. We live in very exciting times for the energy industry, and I’m thrilled to be a part of it and see the technology unravel over the years to come.

To be continued next month. We are lucky to be growing our team with exemplary individuals. Last month’s featured employee profile included Nathan Montgomery. If you are interested in joining RENEW, you can find our current career opportunities here

RENEW Energy Partners specializes in funding energy saving retrofits for your commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings. For more information contact us today!

Thermal energy storage can help you save money and energy by storing heat energy for later use.

How Thermal Energy Storage Helps Save Money and Energy

Thermal energy storage can help you save money and energy by storing heat energy for later use.

RENEW Energy Partners specializes in funding energy saving retrofits for your commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings. There are many different technologies we install to make your buildings more efficient and reduce your energy bill. One strategy for significant savings is retrofitting your buildings to house thermal energy storage.


Thermal Energy Storage (TES) is a technology that allows for the capture and release of heat energy. This is used to regulate temperature in a space, or to store energy for future use.

There are many benefits to using thermal energy systems. It helps you save money on your energy bill, and it also helps conserve energy. In some cases, this storage system is used to generate electricity.

If you are looking for a way to save money and conserve energy, then an energy saving retrofit using thermal energy may be the right solution for you.

What is Thermal Energy Storage?

Thermal energy storage is simply the process of capturing and storing heat energy. This is accomplished by having materials absorb and store heat, and then releasing or converting it when needed. This thermal energy is stored in some surprising materials, including water, salt, sand, rocks, and specialized phase-change materials.

One of the most common ways to use Thermal Energy Storage is in a cooling system, where the captured and stored heat is used to reduce the temperature of a space. This method eliminates excess heating or cooling needs due to sudden changes in temperature.

Thermal energy storage is an effective way of conserving energy, as it stores more energy than any other method available. It is often cheaper than using traditional energy sources, such as electricity, which result in major energy cost reductions for businesses.

The Benefits of Thermal Energy Storage

Thermal Energy Storage offers a variety of benefits to individuals, businesses, and governments.

  1. Cost Savings – Thermal energy storage allows for significant energy cost savings over traditional sources of energy. When utilizing the heat energy stored, there is minimal energy waste, leading to higher efficiency of energy use.
  2. Increased Energy Security – Stored thermal energy is frequently used during times of peak demand and unpredictability in the energy market, creating a buffer against supply disruptions.
  3. Reduced Environmental Impact – The use of thermal energy leads to reduced emissions since the stored energy replaces energy that needs to be generated with fossil fuels.
  4. Reliable Security – Thermal energy storage is a secure source of energy and is more reliable than other energy sources due to its significant storage capacity. This means that thermal energy can be stored for long periods of time and deployed when needed.

How Does It Storage Work?

Thermal energy storage works by storing heat energy in a medium such as molten salt, ice, or water. When stored in this way, heat energy can be used whenever it is needed.

The process of storing thermal energy is simple. Heat energy is collected from a source such as a solar panel or as waste heat from an industrial process and stored in a medium. This stored heat energy is then used to heat buildings, generate electricity, and other applications.

For example, solar energy is collected during the day and stored in large tanks of water. This energy is then used to heat buildings at night, helping reduce energy costs and emissions.

In other applications, stored heat energy is used to generate electricity. This is done by converting the stored heat energy into mechanical energy, for example by spinning a turbine that generates electricity.

Types of Thermal Energy Storage

Thermal energy storage is used in a variety of applications and comes in different forms, depending on the type of energy storage system implemented:

  1. Latent Heat Storage – This type of storage involves storing heat energy in a phase-change material such as wax or salt. The phase transformation of the material allows large amounts of heat to be stored or released at a relatively low temperature.
  2. Sensible Heat Storage – Involves the storing of heat energy in a substance like rocks or water. The stored energy causes a rise in temperature, which can then be utilized for various purposes.
  3. Cryogenic Gas Storage – By using liquified gases such as hydrogen or methane, this type of storage is very space efficient, allowing for the storage of high amounts of energy in a small space.
  4. Molten Salt Storage – Salt has a very high heat capacity, and can store and release large amounts of energy, making molten salt storage one of the most popular forms of thermal energy storage at a grid scale. Each type of thermal energy storage has its own advantages and disadvantages and should be chosen based on the specific application.

Economic Incentives for Commercial Thermal Energy Storage

To help businesses utilize these systems, many governments have introduced economic incentives. These can be in the form of subsidies, tax credits, and other incentives to help businesses offset the upfront costs of implementing a thermal energy storage system.

In some cases, businesses and building owners may qualify for low-interest financing programs or other loan programs to help them purchase and install thermal energy storage systems. These programs vary depending on the location and are very effective for businesses to adopt thermal energy systems.

In addition, local regulators usually have specific regulations for installing a thermal energy storage system. Knowing the laws of your state will help you plan and install the system in a responsible way.

RENEW Energy Partners is a long-term decarbonization partner with experience guiding building owners through technology and emissions regulations, identifying and utilizing the best technology and corresponding tax credits for each job, and funding and managing carbon-saving projects from start to finish.

The Future of Thermal Energy Storage

There is growing interest and investment in thermal energy storage systems as businesses and governments are recognizing and capitalizing on their potential to save money and conserve energy.

In the future, advances in technology will likely mean better performance from thermal energy systems at lower prices. This will make them an increasingly appealing option for businesses and consumers.

In addition, solar energy storage is gaining interest due to the intermittent nature of solar energy production. As interest in these applications continues to grow, there is potential for solar powered thermal energy systems to become an increasingly important part of the energy mix.

Thermal energy storage is an effective way to reduce energy consumption, save money, and increase energy security. With increasing demand for energy and the environment, TES is a great option for businesses, manufacturers, and governments.

No matter how you decide to increase your energy efficiency and decrease your carbon footprint, these kinds of projects require funding. In order to fund an energy efficiency project for your building(s), RENEW Energy Partners offers an energy service agreement (ESA). The Energy Service Agreement:

  • May be treated as an off-balance sheet transaction. In that case, you do not own the asset or carry it on your balance sheet (consult your tax advisor).
  • RENEW provides preventive and corrective maintenance in the service agreement.
  • Your payment to RENEW will be based on the energy savings confirmed once the system is operational. 

The RENEW Energy Service Agreement allows businesses to focus on what they do best, while ensuring that their facilities are performing at their peak with brand new, and high-efficiency equipment. In this current climate of cost control and resource allocation, the energy service agreement is the perfect solution to help businesses meet sustainability goals and keep facilities in top condition. Reach out to RENEW and talk to us about financing your energy saving retrofits today.

Employee Profile Business Development Associate, Nathan Montgomery

Employee Profile: Nathan Montgomery

Employee Profile Business Development Associate, Nathan Montgomery

RENEW’s blog Employee Profile series highlights our employees who make us great. This month we interviewed our diligent and creative business development associate, Nathan Montgomery.

Q: How long have you worked for RENEW Energy Partners?

A: I have been with RENEW since October 3rd, 2022.

Q: What sort of work do you do for the company?

A: I am a Business Development Associate. My focus is on internal sales support, outbound marketing, and research and development.

Q: Where are you from? What is one aspect that you enjoyed about the place that you grew up?

A: I grew up in Denver, Colorado. I did not know until I moved away how lucky I was to grow up in such a sunny place with an abundance of hiking and skiing trails that I got to take advantage of with my family and friends.

Q: What activities/hobbies do you enjoy in your daily life? How do you relax?

A: I have a music degree and play guitar, bass, piano, drums, and voice as a creative outlet. It feels like a relaxing and meditative practice at this point. I also enjoy training in tai chi and kung fu, as well as exploring new places with my partner Allie.

Q: Have you ever worked in another field? What was it and why?

Previously I was a high school Spanish teacher during the most intense years of the pandemic. I am a fluent Spanish speaker and enjoyed helping children expand their knowledge and navigate a stressful public health crisis.

Q: What is one fun fact about you?

I was born in Hong Kong and have lived in Mexico and Spain.

Q: Why is sustainability/decarbonization important to you? How did you get started in this career/field?

A: RENEW is my first foray into the sustainability field. I was motivated to take a role in mitigating the climate crisis directly, rather than just feeling anxious about the impact of global emissions on the sidelines.

Q: What sustainability practices have you seen that have surprised and/or excited you?

A: I am very interested in geothermal and hydrogen. They seem to be technologies that are still developing and have a lot of potential to be harnessed more efficiently and affordably.

Q: Why do you choose to work with RENEW?

A: I choose to work with RENEW because I work with a great team, it provides me with more work-life balance than my previous jobs, and it fulfills a positive mission because we are directly working towards decarbonization in North America.

Q: What is one success you have had at RENEW that you are proud of?

I am proud to produce the Green Beers Podcast! I also enjoy workshopping our messaging and talking to prospective clients about our services.

Q: What are you most excited about for the future of the energy industry?

A: I am excited for new technologies that facilitate greater amounts of carbon reduction. I am also hopeful that emissions regulations will continue to be updated on the state, federal, and international levels so that driving sustainability projects becomes a greater priority across all industries.

To be continued next month. We are lucky to be growing our team with exemplary individuals. Last month’s featured employee profile included Charlie Tryon. If you are interested in joining RENEW, you can find our current career opportunities here

RENEW Energy Partners specializes in funding energy saving retrofits for your commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings. For more information contact us today!

Employee Profile: Charlie Tryon

Employee Profile: Charlie Tryon

Employee Profile: Charlie Tryon

RENEW’s new blog Employee Profile series highlights our employees who make us great. This month we interviewed our talented and personable engineer leading our decarbonization projects in New York City, Charlie Tryon.

Q: How long have you worked for RENEW Energy Partners?

A: I have been with RENEW since September 2022.

Q: What sort of work do you do for the company?

A: As a Project Engineer with RENEW my primary role is to oversee the continuous operation of RENEW’s assets and to oversee/monitor all aspects of projects being implemented ranging from design to construction and start up. I also lend technical assistance to the Business Development team when needed during project vetting.

Q: Where are you from? What is one aspect that you enjoyed about the place that you grew up?

A: I am from New York’s Capital Region; Albany, which was really an incredible place to grow up. Situated about 3 hours from both Boston and New York respectively made it very easy to go to sporting events, concerts, museums, and sightseeing. The Capital Region also offers the Adirondack Mountains, Lake George, and Saratoga Springs within an hour drive so there is always plenty to do and see.

 Q: What activities/hobbies do you enjoy in your daily life? How do you relax?

A: My favorite hobbies are golf, art, and music. In the summer I golf as much as possible on the weekends, in the winter months I like to paint and draw, acrylics, pen, and inks mostly. Music is throughout the year; I love going to shows/concerts or playing the drums at home.

Q: Why is sustainability/decarbonization important to you? How did you get started in this career/field?

A: I first began really paying attention to the environment over 13 years ago while working in a wastewater treatment plant. I started as a laborer, eventually becoming a licensed New York State treatment plant operator and during my tenure there I became increasingly interested in the treatment process.

Removing contaminants and treating waste streams is a process that is constantly monitored and measured, showing just how much of an impact is being made in protecting natural waterways. For the past 10 years in the construction sector, sustainability and decarbonization have been a way to carry that same notion.

The work we do is typically either improving existing building performance or developing and building new construction that carefully considers minimizing the impact we have on the environment; in both scenarios we can measure the exact impact the project has made, which is incredibly gratifying.

Q: What sustainability practices have you seen that have surprised and/or excited you?

A: I was very surprised to see increased use of geothermal in New York City. Living in such a dense city I had not expected to see geothermal implemented as we have seen over the past couple of years. I typically get most excited about seeing on site power generation work logistically.

Q: Why do you choose to work with RENEW?

A: RENEW has been an incredible opportunity for me to work with a highly talented team that is unabashedly mission oriented. For me, it does not get any better than being able to work on sustainability and decarbonization projects that I am overtly passionate about with this group.

Q: What are you most excited about for the future of the energy industry?

A: I am most excited to see decarbonization work increasingly embraced by major cities and communities. In NYC we have seen various regulatory agencies and departments become much more familiar and interested in the technologies, equipment, and implementation process. It is very positive to see entities actively learning and taking a general interest in moving these projects forward. With this type of support and enthusiasm I think the positive changes we can make to the energy industry are enormous.

To be continued next month. We are lucky to be growing our team with exemplary individuals. Last month’s featured employee profile included Alexandra Carroll. If you are interested in joining RENEW, you can find our current career opportunities here

RENEW Energy Partners specializes in funding energy saving retrofits for your commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings. For more information contact us today!

Employee Profile: Alexandra Carroll

Employee Profile: Alexandra Carroll

Employee Profile: Alexandra Carroll

RENEW’s new employee profile blog series will be highlighting our employees who make us great. This month we are featuring our ambitious and intelligent Business Development Lead, Alexandra Carroll.

Q: How long have you worked for RENEW Energy Partners?

A: I’ve been on the RENEW team since November of 2022.

Q: What sort of work do you do for the company?

A: As a Business Development Lead, I am tasked with originating and closing qualified partnerships from our channel partners and other various outbound campaigns. My specific markets are Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) and Geothermal Generation and Distribution for the US East Coast and Canadian Markets.

Q: Where are you from? What is one aspect that you enjoyed about the place that you grew up?

A: I’m from Baltimore, Maryland. Growing up I always enjoy going to my neighborhood’s annual street festival which featured plenty of local music, handmade art, live music, a car show, and more.  

Q: What activities/hobbies do you enjoy in your daily life? How do you relax?

A: Cooking is one of my favorite daily activities, I love trying my hand at anything interesting I find on Instagram. On winter weekends I like to ski, and in the summer, I enjoy riding my gravel bike.

Q: Why is sustainability/decarbonization important to you? How did you get started in this career/field?

A: I started in this field as an undergraduate student at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill where I minored in Sustainability Studies. Notably my capstone project focused on analyzing public opinion of utility scale solar projects on behalf of a scaling solar provider. Sustainability is important to me because at its core, it is a matter of efficiency and optimization–the added bonus is the avoided harm of our ecosystem and communities.

Q: Have you ever worked in another field? What was it and why?

A: Previously I worked in construction management where I oversaw the install of commercial scale mechanical projects.

Q: What sustainability practices have you seen that have surprised and/or excited you?

A: I’m most excited by emergency technologies focused on resiliency. As volatility in our climate and economy continue to escalate, systems such as microgrids and battery storage will help avoid downtime and avoidable premiums.

Q: Why do you choose to work with RENEW?

A: I chose to work with RENEW because of the demonstrated conviction of the leadership team. The ability to scale the adaption of energy efficient technology under the direction of experienced market makers is compelling.

Q: What are you most excited about for the future of the energy industry?

A: I’m most excited to see the technological improvements to lithium-ion batteries. If manufacturers can continue to decrease the footprint of the units and to lessen battery performance degradation, the economics of these projects should encourage deep decarbonization and resiliency.

To be continued next month. We are lucky to be growing our team with exemplary individuals. Last month’s featured employee profile included Carter Kupchella. If you are interested in joining RENEW, you can find our current career opportunities here

RENEW Energy Partners specializes in funding energy saving retrofits for your commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings. For more information contact us today!

Greenbacker Invests in Energy Efficiency Platform Renew Energy Partners

Greenbacker’s partnership will support RENEW’s growth in the clean energy and energy retrofit markets

New York, NY August 2, 2022 — Greenbacker Development Opportunities Fund I, LP (“Greenbacker”), which provides flexible capital and best-in-class guidance for growth-stage clean energy companies, announced today that it has made a strategic growth investment in Boston-based Renew Energy Partners, LLC (“RENEW”), a nationwide distributed generation, microgrid, and energy efficiency company.

The partnership with Greenbacker will expand RENEW’s capacity to scale its platform and execute on its project pipeline—developing, constructing, financing, and operating distributed generation, microgrids, and energy efficiency assets that allow commercial and industrial (C&I) building owners to upgrade to energy-saving systems and reduce their carbon footprint.

RENEW helps customers reduce carbon and greenhouse gas emissions with projects that include HVAC retrofits, lighting updates, building management system upgrades, and onsite clean energy generation and battery storage.

RENEW offers energy service agreements and power purchase agreements to C&I customers, including manufacturing, multi-family housing, healthcare, and hospitality facilities. The company differentiates itself from competitors in its ability to implement complex interconnected energy systems in one simple offering, fully finance projects for its customers, and allow them to reduce their carbon footprint while increasing resiliency.

Founded in 2013, the company brings decades of experience and extensive industry relationships to its role as a developer and long-term owner-operator of its energy efficiency and clean energy assets.


“We’re excited to partner with RENEW and expand our presence in the distributed generation, microgrid, and energy efficiency space,” said Benjamin Baker, Managing Director at Greenbacker. “We find RENEW to be particularly adept at maximizing energy savings for its customers and very well positioned to grow in the market, especially as demand for emissions reduction projects continues to increase in both the private and public sectors.”

As of last year, 60% of the Fortune 500 had made commitments related to emissions reductions, energy efficiency, or using renewables (up from 48% in 2017). In New York City, where buildings make up about two-thirds of greenhouse gas emissions, Local Law 97 requires those over 20,000 square feet to cut emissions 80% by 2050. Boston’s Building Energy Reporting Disclosure Ordinance requires similarly large buildings to achieve zero emissions over the same period. Numerous cities across the country are exploring similar ordinances.


“Our collaboration with Greenbacker will enable us to expand our portfolio of energy efficiency and clean energy projects, and increase our contributions to the energy transition,” said Charlie Lord, Principal at RENEW. “We look forward to taking our platform to the next level so we can help more building and facility owners start saving energy, saving money, and saving the planet.”

Greenbacker Capital Management established the Greenbacker Development Opportunities Fund I, LP in 2020 to invest in companies focused on clean energy project development.

The RENEW Energy Service Agreement allows businesses to focus on what they do best, while ensuring that their facilities are performing at their peak with brand new, and high-efficiency equipment. In this current climate of cost control and resource allocation, the energy service agreement is the perfect solution to help businesses meet sustainability goals and keep facilities in top condition. Reach out to RENEW and talk to us about financing your energy saving retrofits and clean energy builds without debt today. 

See the original article on Globe News Wire here.

Energy Saving Agreement

It’s a Loan… It’s a Lease…It’s an Energy Service Agreement!

Energy Saving Agreement

Much like the beloved Superman (ok-we do love our approach), an energy service agreement (ESA) is often misunderstood, yet always there to save you (energy). An ESA is a funding mechanism for your complete energy systems: HVAC, lighting, controls, and onsite clean generation. At first glance, ESA may seem like a loan or a capital lease. It is neither!

Energy Service Agreement:

  • It is an off-balance sheet transaction. You do not own the asset or carry it on your balance sheet.
  • Prevents monthly service bills, including preventative routine and emergency maintenance.
  • It is structured to deliver energy savings. RENEW will estimate energy savings based on an energy audit to show the project’s potential. However, your payment will be based on the energy savings confirmed once the system is operational.

Unlike a lease or a loan, which are on a balance sheet and do not include maintenance, and may not deliver energy savings, the service agreement provides all of the above and then some:

  • Executing an energy service agreement is fast. Once a professional energy team surveys the project (we can recommend one), you review a simple service agreement contract, and RENEW will fund the project.
  • Executing a service agreement frees up your capital budget for your other priorities. Allowing you to focus on growing your core business.
  • Executing a service agreement positively affects your net cash flows.
  • And finally, executing a service agreement means flexibility. Perhaps you buy another building or look at additional efficiency measures. With a one-page supplement to your existing ESA, you can have those new lights, HVAC, and controls for your new building while reducing your operating expense!

The RENEW’s ESA allows businesses to focus on what they do best while ensuring that their facilities are performing at their peak with brand-new, high-efficiency equipment. In this current climate of cost control and resource allocation, the energy service agreement is the perfect solution to help businesses meet sustainability goals and keep facilities in top condition.

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